amc supports the Master-Thesis of student Xenia Paliy of Cologne Business School. The Master-Thesis includes a survey on „Digitalization and agile working teams in procurement“ and we would like to invite you to take part.
As digitalization progresses, digital tools can be used to both support and completely take over procurement processes. New technologies such as Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, or Artificial Intelligence will inevitably change the tasks of procurement professionals. Many operational tasks become obsolete with the implementation of digital tools; strategic tasks get more attention and gain importance. The buyer becomes an interface manager. In concrete terms, this means that the buyer will act as a driver or „spider in the web“ between internal users and external partners – especially suppliers – and bring them together in cross-functional teams. With the help of agile working methods, such as Scrum or Design Thinking, ideas or solutions can be worked out quickly and flexibly in cross-functional teams.
The study is carried out by Ms. Xenia Paliy as part of her master’s thesis at the Cologne Business School. In this context, it will be examined which concrete opportunities arise from digital tools for procurement and how new tasks of the buyer are influenced. In addition, cross-functional teams focusing especially on cooperation with suppliers will be investigated to improve the efficiency of the supply chain.
The Procedure
In order to investigate to what extent these opportunities are already used in practice, the literature research will be extended by a quantitative survey. For this purpose, we conduct the following survey: Digitization and agile working teams in procurement
The processing time is approx. 6 minutes and is anonymous. The completion is planned for 19.04.19.
Many thanks in advance for your participation!